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Pada tanggal 15 s.d. 16 April 2015, diselenggarakan The 3rd International Conference di Harris Hotel Bandung. Tema dari International Conference ini adalah “Culturally Sensitive Intervention in the Delivery of Health Care Professionals to Encounter Globalization Era”. Beberapa pembicara pada acara tersebut adalah:

  • Salma Burton, HSD Program Manager, WHO Indonesia Country office

                Trend and issues in cultural safety-based health care services

  • Sofia Gusnia S.,CB.,BSN,M.Kep

                Excellent nursing care services based on cultural safety

  • Prof. Gisela de Asas Luna,RN,MAN,MaEd,DECD (Dean St. Luke’s College of Nursing Trinity University of Asia Quezon City Philippines)

                Evidence based related to culture implementation in health care services

  • Bambang Wispriyono,Apt,PhD (Ketua AIPTKMI)

                Research in cultural-based health care services

  • Wintari Hariningsih,S.Kp,SH,MH.Kes

                The implementation of legal and ethical aspects of cultural-based health care services

  • Megawati Santoso (keynote speaker)

                Goverment policy in cultivating independent health care practice

  • Marian Grace,MAN,RN (Dean FoN Benguet State of University-The Philippine)

                Culture application in health care profession / nursing curriculum

  • Emi,M.Kes (IBI Pusat)

                Indonesia Midwife professionalism in delivering cultural-based services

  • Edi-Eson Pasay,MAN

                University of the Cordileras College of Nursing-Philippine

Evidence base in Nursing medical surgical area related to the patients safety culture to the patients safety culture

  • Prof. Dr. Suvinee Wivatvanit. (The Chairman of Master degree Curriculum Faculty of Nursing-Chulalongkorn University-Thailand)

                Cultural-based health care services leadership

  • Dra. Elly Nurachmah,S.Kp,M.App.Sc,DNSc,RN

                Development of culturally sensitive Nursing curriculum in Indonesia

  • Blacius Dedi,SKM,M.Kep

                Communication in culturally sensitive nursing care

Dalam International Conference ini diadakan oral presentation dan juga dipamerkannya beberapa poster hasil penelitian. Sejumlah 67 peserta mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya. Peserta dari STIKes Dharma Husada Bandung adalah Gebi Elmi N., S.Kep., Ners., MAN yang mempresentasikan hasil penelitian berjudul “LIVED EXPERIENCES OF PARENTS WITH AUTISTIC CHILDREN: TOWARDS ORGANIZING AN ADVOCACY GROUP”. Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, STIKes Dharma Husada Bandung mendapat posisi “1st Winner of Oral Presentation” dalam International Conference tersebut. Sementara juara kedua adalah perwakilan dari Universitas Pelita Harapan dan peringkat ketiga adalah Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran. Penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Gebi tidak lepas dari arahan dosen pembimbingnya yaitu Dr. Jerry Manlapaz asal Filipina.

Penghargaan Oral Presentation International Conference 2 150x150 DOSEN DHB JUARA ORAL PRESENTATIOM DALAM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE STIKesDari kiri ke kanan:

  1. Panitia
  2. Christine L. Sommers (Universitas Pelita Harapan/ UPH)
  3. Dame Elysabeth (UPH)
  4. Prof. Gisela de Asas Luna,RN,MAN,MaEd,DECD (Dean St. Luke’s College of Nursing Trinity University of Asia Quezon City Philippines)
  5. Gebi (STIKes Dharma Husada Bandung)
[responsivevoice_button voice="Indonesian Female" buttontext="Play"] Dari kiri ke kanan: [/responsivevoice_button]
Pada tanggal 15 s.d. 16 April 2015, diselenggarakan The 3rd International Conference di Harris Hotel Bandung. Tema dari International Conference ini adalah “Culturally Sensitive Intervention in the Delivery of Health Care Professionals to Encounter Globalization Era”. Beberapa pembicara pada acara tersebut adalah: Salma Burton, HSD Program Manager, WHO Indonesia Country office                 Trend and issues […]

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